Approved plant.
Approved plant. One or more adjacent buildings, or parts thereof, comprising a single plant at one location in which the facilities and methods of operation therein have been surveyed and approved by the Administrator as suitable and adequate for inspection or grading service in accordance with the following:
(1) Shall satisfactorily meet the specifications of this subpart as determined by the Administrator.
(2) Receive dairy products only from plants, transfer stations, receiving stations and cream buying stations which satisfactorily comply with the applicable requirements of this subpart as determined by the Administrator. (Occasional shipments may be received from nonapproved plants provided the product is tested and meets the quality requirements for No. 2 milk.)
7 CFR § 58.101
Scoping language
For the purpose of the regulations of this subpart, words in the singular form shall be deemed to impart the plural and vice versa, as the case may demand. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the following meaning: