Policy statement.

Policy statement. A free milk policy statement as required in paragraph (c) of this section shall contain the following:
(1) The specific criteria to be used in determining eligibility for free milk. These criteria shall give consideration to economic need as reflected by family size and income. The criteria used by the child-care institution may not result in the eligibility of children from families whose incomes exceed the State's family-size income standards for determining eligibility for free meals under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
(2) The method by which the child-care institution will collect information from families in order to determine a child's eligibility for free milk.
(3) The method by which the child-care institution will collect milk payments so as to prevent the overt identification of children receiving free milk.
(4) A hearing procedure substantially like that outlined in part 245 of this chapter.
(5) An assurance that there will be no discrimination against free milk recipients and no discrimination against any child on the basis of race, color, or national origin.


7 CFR § 215.13a

Scoping language

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