Financial collateral

Financial collateral means collateral:
(1) In the form of:
(i) Cash on deposit at a depository institution or Federal Reserve Bank (including cash held for the System institution by a third-party custodian or trustee);
(ii) Gold bullion;
(iii) Long-term debt securities that are not resecuritization exposures and that are investment grade;
(iv) Short-term debt instruments that are not resecuritization exposures and that are investment grade;
(v) Equity securities that are publicly traded;
(vi) Convertible bonds that are publicly traded; or
(vii) Money market fund shares and other mutual fund shares if a price for the shares is publicly quoted daily; and
(2) In which the System institution has a perfected, first-priority security interest or, outside of the United States, the legal equivalent thereof (with the exception of cash on deposit at a depository institution or Federal Reserve Bank and notwithstanding the prior security interest of any custodial agent).


12 CFR § 628.2

Scoping language

As used in this part:

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