Spot stripping and decal removal.
Spot stripping and decal removal. Each owner or operator seeking to comply with 63.746(b)(3) shall determine the volume of organic HAP-containing chemical strippers or alternatively the weight of organic HAP used per aircraft using the procedure specified in paragraphs (j)(1) through (j)(3) of this section.
(1) For each chemical stripper used for spot stripping and decal removal, determine for each annual period the total volume as applied or the total weight of organic HAP using the procedure specified in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(2) Determine the total number of aircraft for which depainting operations began during the annual period as determined from company records.
(3) Calculate the annual average volume of organic HAP-containing chemical stripper or weight of organic HAP used for spot stripping and decal removal per aircraft using equation 20 (volume) or equation 21 (weight):
(1) For each chemical stripper used for spot stripping and decal removal, determine for each annual period the total volume as applied or the total weight of organic HAP using the procedure specified in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(2) Determine the total number of aircraft for which depainting operations began during the annual period as determined from company records.
(3) Calculate the annual average volume of organic HAP-containing chemical stripper or weight of organic HAP used for spot stripping and decal removal per aircraft using equation 20 (volume) or equation 21 (weight):
(k) Organic HAP content level determination—compliant chemical milling maskants. For those uncontrolled chemical milling maskants complying with the chemical milling maskant organic HAP content limit specified in § 63.747(c)(1) without being averaged, the procedure in paragraph (k)(1) of this section shall be used to determine the mass of organic HAP emitted per unit volume of coating (chemical milling maskant) i as applied (less water), Hi (lb/gal). As an alternative to the procedures in paragraph (k)(1) of this section, an owner or operator may use coating manufacturer's supplied data to demonstrate that organic HAP emitted per volume of coating (less water), as applied, is less than or equal to the applicable organic HAP limit specified in § 63.747(c). Owners and operators that use the coating manufacturer's supplied data to demonstrate compliance based on the HAP content of the coating may add non-HAP solvent to those coatings provided that the owner or operator also maintains records of the non-HAP solvent added to the coating.
(1) For coatings that contain no exempt solvents, determine the total organic HAP content using manufacturer's supplied data or Method 24 of 40 CFR part 60, appendix A to determine the VOC content. The VOC content shall be used as a surrogate for total HAP content for coatings that contain no exempt solvent. If there is a discrepancy between the manufacturer's formulation data and the results of the Method 24 analysis, compliance shall be based on the results from the Method 24 analysis.