Interests in real property.

Interests in real property. The term interests in real property includes fee ownership and co-ownership of land or improvements thereon, leaseholds of land or improvements thereon, options to acquire land or improvements thereon, and options to acquire leaseholds of land or improvements thereon. The term also includes timeshare interests that represent an undivided fractional fee interest, or undivided leasehold interest, in real property, and that entitle the holders of the interests to the use and enjoyment of the property for a specified period of time each year. The term also includes stock held by a person as a tenant-stockholder in a cooperative housing corporation (as those terms are defined in section 216). Such term does not, however, include mineral, oil, or gas royalty interests, such as a retained economic interest in coal or iron ore with respect to which the special provisions of section 631(c) apply.


26 CFR § 1.856-3

Scoping language

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