Relevant standard
Relevant standard means:
(1) An emission standard;
(2) An alternative emission standard;
(3) An alternative emission limitation; or
(4) An equivalent emission limitation established pursuant to section 112 of the Act that applies to the collection of equipment, activities, or both regulated by such standard or limitation. A relevant standard may include or consist of a design, equipment, work practice, or operational requirement, or other measure, process, method, system, or technique (including prohibition of emissions) that the Administrator (or a State) establishes for new or existing sources to which such standard or limitation applies. Every relevant standard established pursuant to section 112 of the Act includes subpart A of this part, as provided by ยง 63.1(a)(4), and all applicable appendices of this part or of other parts of this chapter that are referenced in that standard.
40 CFR § 63.2
Scoping language
The terms used in this part are defined in the Act or in this section as follows: