
b. Institutions. The Institution will:
(1) Appoint and designate an Institution representative to maintain a continuing liaison with the Army ESO.
(2) Adopt the GoArmyEd processes. GoArmyEd is the Army Continuing Education System (ACES) centralized and streamlined management system for the Army's postsecondary voluntary education programs. Existing MOUs or Memorandums of Agreement, Tri-Services contracts, or other contracts that Institutions may have with DoD installations and ACES remain in place and will be supplemented with DoD Instruction 1322.25.
(3) Agree to all of the terms in the ACES policies and procedures, available at, such as: Invoicing, grades, reports, library references, etc. For non-Letter of Instruction (LOI) institutions satisfying paragraph 3.f. of this MOU, any requirements in ACES policies and procedures requiring institutions to be a member of SOC are hereby waived.
(4) Institutions currently participating with GoArmyEd as LOI and non-LOI schools, may continue to do so at the discretion of Headquarters, ACES. Non-LOI schools will be subject to the requirements of paragraphs 2.b.(2) and 2.b.(3) of this MOU only to the extent that their existing non-LOI agreement with the U.S. Army provides.


32 CFR § C_to_part_68

Scoping language

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