Eligible current year tax.

(5) Eligible current year tax. The term eligible current year tax means a current year tax, other than a current year tax for which a credit is disallowed or suspended at the level of the controlled foreign corporation. See, for example, section 245A(e)(3) and 1.245A(d)-1(a)(2) and sections 901(k)(1), (l), and (m), 909, and 6038(c)(1)(B). An eligible current year tax, however, includes a current year tax that may be deemed paid but for which a credit is reduced or disallowed at the level of the United States shareholder. See, for example, sections 901(e), 901(j), 901(k)(2), 908, 965(g), and 6038(c)(1)(A).


26 CFR § 1.960-1

Scoping language

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