SCI competing consolidator

SCI competing consolidator means:
(1) Any competing consolidator, as defined in § 242.600, which, during at least four of the preceding six calendar months, accounted for five percent (5%) or more of consolidated market data gross revenue paid to the effective national market system plan or plans required under § 242.603(b), for NMS stocks:
(i) Listed on the New York Stock Exchange LLC;
(ii) Listed on The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC; or
(iii) Listed on exchanges other than the New York Stock Exchange LLC or The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC, as reported by such plan or plans pursuant to the terms thereof.
(2) Provided, however, that such SCI competing consolidator shall not be required to comply with the requirements of this section and §§ 242.1001 through 242.1007 (Regulation SCI) until six months after satisfying any of paragraph (1) of this definition, as applicable, for the first time; and
(3) Provided, however, that such SCI competing consolidator shall not be required to comply with the requirements of Regulation SCI prior to one year after the compliance date for § 242.614(d)(3).


17 CFR § 242.1000

Scoping language

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