Bureau Standard of Assistance

Bureau Standard of Assistance means payment standards established by the Assistant Secretary for burial, disaster, emergency, TWEP and adoption and guardian subsidy. In accordance with Public Law 104-193, the Bureau standard of assistance for general assistance is the state rate for TANF in the state where the applicant resides. Where the Bureau provides general assistance on a reservation that extends into another state, the Bureau will provide general assistance to eligible Indians based on the standard of assistance where the applicant resides if the applicant is not eligible for state general assistance or TANF. The Bureau standard of assistance for adult care assistance is the state rate for adult care assistance in the state where the applicant resides. The Bureau standard of assistance for foster care is the state rate for foster care in the state where the applicant resides as provided by Title IV of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620).


25 CFR § 20.100

Scoping language

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