General requirements.

General requirements.
(1) Notification. Procedures established by the State unit under this section must provide an applicant or recipient or, as appropriate, the individual's representative notice of -
(i) The right to obtain review of State unit determinations that affect the provision of vocational rehabilitation services through an impartial due process hearing under paragraph (e) of this section;
(ii) The right to pursue mediation under paragraph (d) of this section with respect to determinations made by designated State unit personnel that affect the provision of vocational rehabilitation services to an applicant or recipient;
(iii) The names and addresses of individuals with whom requests for mediation or due process hearings may be filed;
(iv) The manner in which a mediator or impartial hearing officer may be selected consistent with the requirements of paragraphs (d) and (f) of this section; and
(v) The availability of the client assistance program, established under 34 CFR part 370, to assist the applicant or recipient during mediation sessions or impartial due process hearings.
(2) Timing. Notice described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section must be provided in writing -
(i) At the time the individual applies for vocational rehabilitation services under this part;
(ii) At the time the individual is assigned to a category in the State's order of selection, if the State has established an order of selection under § 361.36;
(iii) At the time the individualized plan for employment is developed; and
(iv) Whenever vocational rehabilitation services for an individual are reduced, suspended, or terminated.
(3) Evidence and representation. Procedures established under this section must -
(i) Provide an applicant or recipient or, as appropriate, the individual's representative with an opportunity to submit during mediation sessions or due process hearings evidence and other information that supports the applicant's or recipient's position; and
(ii) Allow an applicant or recipient to be represented during mediation sessions or due process hearings by counsel or other advocate selected by the applicant or recipient.
(4) Impact on provision of services. The State unit may not institute a suspension, reduction, or termination of vocational rehabilitation services being provided to an applicant or recipient, including evaluation and assessment services and individualized plan for employment development, pending a resolution through mediation, pending a decision by a hearing officer or reviewing official, or pending informal resolution under this section unless -
(i) The individual or, in appropriate cases, the individual's representative requests a suspension, reduction, or termination of services; or
(ii) The State agency has evidence that the services have been obtained through misrepresentation, fraud, collusion, or criminal conduct on the part of the individual or the individual's representative.
(5) Ineligibility. Applicants who are found ineligible for vocational rehabilitation services and previously eligible individuals who are determined to be no longer eligible for vocational rehabilitation services pursuant to § 361.43 are permitted to challenge the determinations of ineligibility under the procedures described in this section.
(c) Informal dispute resolution. The State unit may develop an informal process for resolving a request for review without conducting mediation or a formal hearing. A State's informal process must not be used to deny the right of an applicant or recipient to a hearing under paragraph (e) of this section or any other right provided under this part, including the right to pursue mediation under paragraph (d) of this section. If informal resolution under this paragraph or mediation under paragraph (d) of this section is not successful in resolving the dispute within the time period established under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, a formal hearing must be conducted within that same time period, unless the parties agree to a specific extension of time.
(d) Mediation.
(1) The State must establish and implement procedures, as required under paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, to allow an applicant or recipient and the State unit to resolve disputes involving State unit determinations that affect the provision of vocational rehabilitation services through a mediation process that must be made available, at a minimum, whenever an applicant or recipient or, as appropriate, the individual's representative requests an impartial due process hearing under this section.
(2) Mediation procedures established by the State unit under paragraph (d) of this section must ensure that -
(i) Participation in the mediation process is voluntary on the part of the applicant or recipient, as appropriate, and on the part of the State unit;
(ii) Use of the mediation process is not used to deny or delay the applicant's or recipient's right to pursue resolution of the dispute through an impartial hearing held within the time period specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section or any other rights provided under this part. At any point during the mediation process, either party or the mediator may elect to terminate the mediation. In the event mediation is terminated, either party may pursue resolution through an impartial hearing;
(iii) The mediation process is conducted by a qualified and impartial mediator, as defined in § 361.5(c)(43), who must be selected from a list of qualified and impartial mediators maintained by the State -
(A) On a random basis;
(B) By agreement between the director of the designated State unit and the applicant or recipient or, as appropriate, the recipient's representative; or
(C) In accordance with a procedure established in the State for assigning mediators, provided this procedure ensures the neutrality of the mediator assigned; and
(iv) Mediation sessions are scheduled and conducted in a timely manner and are held in a location and manner that is convenient to the parties to the dispute.
(3) Discussions that occur during the mediation process must be kept confidential and may not be used as evidence in any subsequent due process hearings or civil proceedings, and the parties to the mediation process may be required to sign a confidentiality pledge prior to the commencement of the process.
(4) An agreement reached by the parties to the dispute in the mediation process must be described in a written mediation agreement that is developed by the parties with the assistance of the qualified and impartial mediator and signed by both parties. Copies of the agreement must be sent to both parties.
(5) The costs of the mediation process must be paid by the State. The State is not required to pay for any costs related to the representation of an applicant or recipient authorized under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section.


34 CFR § 361.57

Scoping language

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