Primary health services

Primary health services means:
(1) Diagnostic, treatment, consultative, referral, and other services rendered by physicians, and, where feasible, by physician's extenders, such as physicians' assistants, nurse clinicians, and nurse practitioners;
(2) Diagnostic laboratory services and diagnostic radiologic services;
(3) Preventive health services, including medical social services, nutritional assessment and referral, preventive health education, children's eye and ear examinations, prenatal and post-partum care, prenatal services, well child care (including periodic screening), immunizations, and voluntary family planning services;
(4) Emergency medical services, including provision, through clearly defined arrangements, for access of users of the center to health care for medical emergencies during and after the center's regularly scheduled hours;
(5) Transportation services as needed for adequate patient care, sufficient so that residents of the catchment area served by the center with special difficulties of access to services provided by the center receive such services; and
(6) Preventive dental services provided by a licensed dentist or other qualified personnel, including (i) oral hygiene instruction; (ii) oral prophylaxis, as necessary; and (iii) topical application of fluorides, and the prescription of fluorides for systemic use when not available in the community water supply.
(i) Secretary means the Secretary of Health and Human Services and any other officer or employee of the Department of Health and Human Services to whom the authority involved has been delegated.
(j) Supplemental health services means health services which are not included as primary health services and which are:
(1) Inpatient and outpatient hospital services;
(2) Home health services;
(3) Extended care facility services;
(4) Rehabilitative services (including physical and occupational therapy) and long-term physical medicine;
(5) Mental health services, including services of psychiatrists, psychologists, and other appropriate mental health professionals;
(6) Dental services other than those provided as primary health services;
(7) Vision services, including routine eye and vision examinations and provision of eyeglasses, as appropriate and feasible;
(8) Allied health services;
(9) Pharmaceutical services, including the provision of prescription drugs;
(10) Therapeutic radiologic services;
(11) Public health services (including nutrition education and social services);
(12) Ambulatory surgical services;
(13) Health education services; and
(14) Services, including the services of outreach workers, which promote and facilitate optimal use of primary health services and services referred to in the preceding subparagraphs of this paragraph and, if a substantial number of individuals in the population served by the center are of limited English-speaking ability, the services of outreach workers and other personnel fluent in the language or languages spoken by such individuals.


42 CFR § 51c.102

Scoping language

As used in this part:

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