Due weight

Due weight shall mean, with respect to the weight a section 504 agency or the EEOC shall give to the other agency's findings and conclusions, such full and careful consideration as is appropriate, taking into account such factors as:
(1) The extent to which the underlying investigation is complete and the evidence is supportive of the findings and conclusions;
(2) The nature and results of any subsequent proceedings;
(3) The extent to which the findings, conclusions and any actions taken:
(i) Under title I are consistent with the effective enforcement of section 504; or
(ii) Under section 504 are consistent with the effective enforcement of title I; and
(4) The section 504 agency's responsibilities under section 504 or the EEOC's responsibilities under title I.


28 CFR § 37.2

Scoping language

As used in this part, the term:

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