Operable unit

Operable unit means a discrete action that comprises an incremental step toward comprehensively addressing site problems. This discrete portion of a remedial response manages migration, or eliminates or mitigates a release, threat of release, or pathway of exposure. The cleanup of a site can be divided into a number of operable units, depending on the complexity of the problems associated with the site. Operable units may address geographical portions of a site, specific site problems, or initial phases of an action, or may consist of any set of actions performed over time or any actions that are concurrent but located in different parts of a site. Operable units will not impede implementation of subsequent actions, including final action at the site.


40 CFR § 307.14

Scoping language

Terms that are not defined in this section or restated herein, shall have the meaning set forth in section 101 of CERCLA or the 1990 NCP or any final revision thereto. As used in this part, the following words and terms shall have the meanings set forth below:

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