Borrower means a person who, as landowner, landlord, operator, producer, tenant, leaseholder, sharecropper, or processor of domestically produced sugarcane or sugar beets:
(1) Has a satisfactory credit history according to the definition in § 1436.3 and as recommended to the approving committee by a FSA employee with FSA loan approval authority;
(2) Demonstrates an ability to repay the debt arising under this program using a financial statement acceptable to CCC prepared within 90 days of the date of application, as recommended to the approving committee by a FSA employee with FSA loan approval authority;
(3) Has no disqualifying delinquent Federal debt under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996;
(4) Is a producer of a facility loan commodity as determined by CCC;
(5) Demonstrates a need for increased storage capacity as determined by CCC if the applicant is applying for a loan for a storage structure. The Deputy Administrator, Farm Programs, may issue a waiver, if requested, on a case by case basis if a crop share landlord or tenant requests to construct a structure to store commodities produced on the farm but only one of the two wishes to accept loan liability;
(6) Annually provides proof of crop insurance offered under the Federal Crop Insurance Program for insurable crops of economic significance on all farms operated by the borrower in the county where the storage facility is located. Crop insurance or Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) coverage, if available, is required on all the commodities stored in the FSFL-funded facility, whether economically significant or not; crop insurance under the Federal Crop Insurance Program may not be available for certain renewable biomass commodities;
(7) Is in compliance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provisions for highly erodible land and wetlands conservation provisions according to 7 CFR part 12;
(8) Demonstrates compliance with any applicable local zoning, land use, and building codes for the applicable farm storage facility structures;
(9) Annually provides proof of flood insurance if CCC determines such insurance is necessary to protect the interests of CCC, and annually provides proof that the structures for which the loan is made has all peril structural insurance;
(10) Demonstrates compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act regulations at 40 CFR parts 1500–1508; and
(11) Has not been convicted under Federal or State law of a disqualifying controlled substance violation or a crop insurance violation under 7 CFR part 718.