Reference control technology for wastewater
Reference control technology for wastewater means the use of:
(1) Controls specified in §§ 61.343 through 61.347 of subpart FF of part 61;
(2) A treatment process that achieves the emission reductions specified in table 7 of this subpart for each individual HAP present in the wastewater stream or is a steam stripper that meets the specifications in § 63.138(g) of subpart G of this part; and
(3) A control device to reduce by 95 percent (or to an outlet concentration of 20 parts per million by volume for combustion devices) the organic HAP emissions in the vapor streams vented from treatment processes (including the steam stripper described in paragraph (2) of this definition) managing wastewater.
40 CFR § 63.641
Scoping language
All terms used in this subpart shall have the meaning given them in the Clean Air Act, subpart A of this part, and in this section. If the same term is defined in subpart A and in this section, it shall have the meaning given in this section for purposes of this subpart.