Family of materials

Family of materials means a grouping of materials that have the same basic composition or the same basic end use or functionality; are produced using the same basic feedstocks, the same manufacturing equipment configuration and in the same sequence of steps; and whose production results in emissions of the same Table 1 HAP at approximately the same rate per pound of product produced. Examples of families of materials include multiple grades of same product or different variations of a product (e.g., blue, black and red resins).


40 CFR § 63.11502

Scoping language

The following terms used in this subpart have the meaning given them in the CAA, 63.2, subpart SS ( 63.981), subpart WW ( 63.1061), 40 CFR 60.111b, subpart F ( 63.101), subpart G ( 63.111), subpart FFFF ( 63.2550), as specified after each term:

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