42 CFR § 410.155
Scoping language
Limitation. For services subject to the limitation as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the percentage of the expenses incurred for such services during a calendar year that is considered incurred expenses under Medicare Part B when determining the amount of payment and deductible under 410.152 and 410.160 of this part, respectively, is as follows:
(1) For expenses incurred in years before 2010, 62 1/2 percent.
(2) For expenses incurred in 2010 and 2011, 68 3/4 percent.
(3) For expenses incurred in 2012, 75 percent.
(4) For expenses incurred in 2013, 81 1/4 percent.
(5) For expenses incurred in CY 2014 and subsequent years, 100 percent.