
(1) This section applies to a hospital that has been designated as a sole community hospital, as described in § 412.92. If the 1996 hospital-specific rate exceeds the rate that would otherwise apply, that is, either the Federal rate under § 412.64 (or under § 412.63 for periods prior to FY 2005) or the hospital-specific rates for either FY 1982 under § 412.73 or FY 1987 under § 412.75, this 1996 rate will be used in the payment formula set forth in § 412.92(d)(1).
(2) This section applies only to cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2000.
(3) The formula for determining the hospital-specific costs for hospitals described under paragraph (a)(1) of this section is set forth in paragraph (f) of this section.


42 CFR § 412.77

Scoping language

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