Pressure test.
Pressure test. All components of the cargo tank wall, as defined in 178.320(a) of this subchapter, must be pressure tested as prescribed by this paragraph.
(1) Test Procedure—(i) As part of the pressure test, the inspector must perform an external and internal visual inspection, except that on an MC 338 cargo tank, or a cargo tank not equipped with a manhole or inspection opening, an internal inspection is not required.
(ii) All self-closing pressure relief valves, including emergency relief vents and normal vents, must be removed from the cargo tank for inspection and testing according to the requirements in paragraph (j) of this section.
(iii) Except for cargo tanks carrying lading corrosive to the tank, areas covered by the upper coupler (fifth wheel) assembly must be inspected for corroded and abraded areas, dents, distortions, defects in welds, and any other condition that might render the tank unsafe for transportation service. The upper coupler (fifth wheel) assembly must be removed from the cargo tank for this inspection.
(iv) Each cargo tank must be tested hydrostatically or pneumatically to the internal pressure specified in the following table. At no time during the pressure test may a cargo tank be subject to pressures that exceed those identified in the following table:
(1) Test Procedure—(i) As part of the pressure test, the inspector must perform an external and internal visual inspection, except that on an MC 338 cargo tank, or a cargo tank not equipped with a manhole or inspection opening, an internal inspection is not required.
(ii) All self-closing pressure relief valves, including emergency relief vents and normal vents, must be removed from the cargo tank for inspection and testing according to the requirements in paragraph (j) of this section.
(iii) Except for cargo tanks carrying lading corrosive to the tank, areas covered by the upper coupler (fifth wheel) assembly must be inspected for corroded and abraded areas, dents, distortions, defects in welds, and any other condition that might render the tank unsafe for transportation service. The upper coupler (fifth wheel) assembly must be removed from the cargo tank for this inspection.
(iv) Each cargo tank must be tested hydrostatically or pneumatically to the internal pressure specified in the following table. At no time during the pressure test may a cargo tank be subject to pressures that exceed those identified in the following table: