Seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER)

Seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) means the total heat removed from the conditioned space during the annual cooling season, expressed in Btu's, divided by the total electrical energy consumed by the central air conditioner or heat pump during the same season, expressed in watt-hours. SEER is determined in accordance with appendix M.


10 CFR § M_to_subpart_B_of_part_430

Scoping language

Prior to January 1, 2023, if using the appendix M test procedure for representations, including compliance certifications, with respect to the energy use, power, or efficiency of central air conditioners and central air conditioning heat pumps, any such representations must be based on the results of testing pursuant to either this appendix or the procedures in appendix M as it appeared at 10 CFR part 430, subpart B, in the 10 CFR parts 200 to 499 edition revised as of January 1, 2022. Any representations made with respect to the energy use or efficiency of such central air conditioners and central air conditioning heat pumps must be in accordance with whichever version is selected. Any representations, including compliance certifications, made with respect to the energy use, power, or efficiency of central air conditioners and central air conditioning heat pumps made on or after January 1, 2023, must be based on the results of testing pursuant the procedures in appendix M1 to this subpart.

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