Fish trap

Fish trap means -
(1) In the Caribbean EEZ, a trap and its component parts (including the lines and buoys), regardless of the construction material, used for or capable of taking finfish.
(2) In the Gulf EEZ, a trap and its component parts (including the lines and buoys), regardless of the construction material, used for or capable of taking finfish, except a trap historically used in the directed fishery for crustaceans (that is, blue crab, stone crab, and spiny lobster).
(3) In the South Atlantic EEZ, a trap and its component parts (including the lines and buoys), regardless of the construction material, used for or capable of taking fish, except a sea bass pot, a golden crab trap, or a crustacean trap (that is, a type of trap historically used in the directed fishery for blue crab, stone crab, red crab, jonah crab, or spiny lobster and that contains at any time not more than 25 percent, by number, of fish other than blue crab, stone crab, red crab, jonah crab, and spiny lobster).


50 CFR § 622.2

Scoping language

In addition to the definitions in the Magnuson Act and in 600.10 of this chapter, and the acronyms in 600.15 of this chapter, the terms and acronyms used in this part have the following meanings:

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