Representative or nominee
Representative or nominee means a natural person who serves as a management official and has an obligation to act on behalf of another person with respect to management responsibilities. The Board will find that a person has an obligation to act on behalf of another person only if the first person has an agreement, express or implied, to act on behalf of the second person with respect to management responsibilities. The Board will determine, after giving the affected persons an opportunity to respond, whether a person is a representative or nominee.
means a natural person who serves as a management official and has an obligation to act on behalf of another person with respect to management responsibilities. The Board will find that a person has an obligation to act on behalf of another person only if the first person has an agreement, express or implied, to act on behalf of the second person with respect to management responsibilities. The Board will determine, after giving the affected persons an opportunity to respond, whether a person is arepresentative or nominee.
12 CFR § 212.2
Scoping language
For purposes of this part, the following definitions apply: