National Register Nomination Form.

National Register Nomination Form. National Register Nomination Form means (1) National Register Nomination Form NPS 10900, with accompanying continuation sheets (where necessary) Form NPS 10900a, maps and photographs or (2) for Federal nominations, Form No. 10306, with continuation sheets (where necessary) Form No. 10300A, maps and photographs. Such nomination forms must be adequately documented and technically and professionally correct and sufficient. To meet these requirements the forms and accompanying maps and photographs must be completed in accord with requirements and guidance in the NPS publication, How to Complete National Register Forms and other NPS technical publications on this subject. Descriptions and statements of significance must be prepared in accord with standards generally accepted by academic historians, architectural historians and archeologists. The nomination form is a legal document and reference for historical, architectural, and archeological data upon which the protections for listed and eligible properties are founded. The nominating authority certifies that the nomination is adequately documented and technically and professionally correct and sufficient upon nomination.


36 CFR § 60.3

Scoping language

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