End fittings.
S7.2.2 End fittings. Except for an end fitting that is attached by deformation of the fitting about a hose by crimping or swaging, at least one component of each air brake hose fitting shall be etched, embossed, or stamped in block capital letters and numerals at least one-sixteenth of an inch high with the following information:
(a) The symbol DOT, constituting a certification by the manufacturer of that component that the component conforms to all applicable motor vehicle safety standards.
(b) A designation that identifies the manufacturer of that component of the fitting, which shall be filed in writing with: Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, Equipment Division NVS–222, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 400 Seventh St. S.W., Washington, DC 20590. The designation may consist of block capital letters, numerals, or a symbol.
(c) The letter “A” shall indicate intended use in air brake systems. In the case of an end fitting intended for use in a reusable assembly with brake hose subject to Table III, “AI” or “AII” shall indicate use with Type I or Type II hose, respectively.
(d) The nominal inside diameter of the hose to which the fitting is properly attached expressed in inches or fractions of inches or in millimeters. (See examples in S7.2.1 (d).) The abbreviation “mm” shall follow hose sizes that are expressed in millimeters.