Taxpayer identification number

Taxpayer identification number(1) In general. Taxpayer identification number means the identifying number assigned to a person under section 6109 (relating to identifying numbers, generally a nine-digit social security number for an individual and a nine-digit employer identification number for a nonindividual, e.g., a corporation, partnership, trust, or estate). An obviously incorrect number is not considered a taxpayer identification number. See 31.6011(b)2 and 301.61091 of this chapter for provisions relating to obtaining a taxpayer identification number.
(1)In general. Taxpayer identification numbermeans the identifying number assigned to a person under section 6109 (relating to identifying numbers, generally a nine-digit social security number for an individual and a nine-digit employer identification number for a nonindividual, e.g., a corporation, partnership, trust, or estate). An obviously incorrect number is not considered a taxpayer identification number. See 31.6011(b)2 and 301.61091 of this chapter for provisions relating to obtaining a taxpayer identification number.


26 CFR § 31.3406(h)-1

Scoping language

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