Services not included.
Services not included. Any home and community-based service, including those indicated in paragraph (b)(8) of this section, may not be included in home and community-based service waivers for the following individuals:
(i) For individuals aged 22 through 64 who, absent the waiver, would be institutionalized in an institution for mental diseases (IMD); and, therefore, subject to the limitation on IMDs specified in § 435.1009(a)(2) of this chapter.
(ii) For individuals, not meeting the age requirements described in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section, who, absent the waiver, would be placed in an IMD in those States that have not opted to include the benefits defined in § 440.140 or § 440.160.
42 CFR § 440.180
Scoping language
Description and requirements for services. Home or community-based services means services, not otherwise furnished under the State's Medicaid plan, that are furnished under a waiver granted under the provisions of part 441, subpart G of this chapter.
(1) These services may consist of any or all of the services listed in paragraph (b) of this section, as those services are defined by the agency and approved by CMS.
(2) The services must meet the standards specified in § 441.302(a) of this chapter concerning health and welfare assurances.
(3) The services are subject to the limits on FFP described in § 441.310 of this chapter.