Deductions for compliance.
Deductions for compliance. Following the recordation, in accordance with 97.161, of CAIR NOX allowance transfers submitted for recordation in a source's compliance account by the allowance transfer deadline for a control period, the Administrator will deduct from the compliance account CAIR NOX allowances available under paragraph (a) of this section in order to determine whether the source meets the CAIR NOX emissions limitation for the control period, as follows:
(1) Until the amount of CAIR NOX allowances deducted equals the number of tons of total nitrogen oxides emissions, determined in accordance with subpart HH of this part, from all CAIR NOX units at the source for the control period; or
(2) If there are insufficient CAIR NOX allowances to complete the deductions in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, until no more CAIR NOX allowances available under paragraph (a) of this section remain in the compliance account.