Baseline adjustment.

Baseline adjustment.
(1) A toxics baseline determined differently than described in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section may be allowed upon petition by the refiner or importer and approval by the Administrator or designee. The petition must be included with the baseline submittal under § 80.910.
(2) A toxics baseline adjustment petition shall, at minimum, be accompanied by:
(i) Unadjusted and adjusted baseline fuel parameters, applicable toxics values, and volumes; and
(ii) A narrative describing how the circumstances during 1998-2000 materially affected the baseline toxics value calculated under paragraph (a) of this section. The narrative shall also describe and show the calculations, and the reasoning supporting the calculations, used to determine the adjusted values.
(i) The compliance margin, M, that will be added to the toxics baseline calculated according to paragraph (a) of this section shall be equal to:
(1) −0.7% for reformulated gasoline or RBOB;
(2) 2.5 mg/mile for conventional gasoline.


40 CFR § 80.915

Scoping language

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