Records required.
Records required. In addition to the vehicle data recording, the following parameters shall be documented for the determination of the fuel temperature profile:
(i) Date and time of vehicle fueling;
(ii) Odometer reading at vehicle fueling;
(iii) Date and time vehicle was parked, parking location and orientation;
(iv) Odometer reading at parking;
(v) Date and time engine was started;
(vi) Time of initiation of first UDDS;
(vii) Time of completion of the driving cycle;
(viii) Ambient temperatures throughout the period of driving (Tamb);
(ix) Wind speed throughout the period of driving;
(x) Track surface temperatures throughout the period of driving cycle (Tsur);
(xi) Percent cloud cover during the period of driving; and
(xii) Ambient temperature, wind speed, and percent cloud cover reported by the nearest weather station for the time corresponding most closely to the period of driving.