Corrective action.

(i) Corrective action.


34 CFR § 222.165

Scoping language

Request for hearing.
(1) A State or LEA that is adversely affected by a determination under section 8009 and this subpart and that desires a hearing regarding that determination must submit a written request for a hearing within 60 days of receipt of the determination. The time within which a request must be filed may not be extended unless the Secretary, or the Secretary's delegatee, extends the time in writing at the time notice of the determination is given.
(2) A request for a hearing in accordance with this section must specify the issues of fact and law to be considered.
(3) If an LEA requests a hearing, it must furnish a copy of the request to the State. If a State requests a hearing, it must furnish a copy of the request to all LEAs in the State.

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