filling new prescriptions for controlled substances in Schedule III, IV, or V
The term filling new prescriptions for controlled substances in Schedule III, IV, or V means filling a prescription for an individual for a controlled substance in Schedule III, IV, or V, if:
(1) The pharmacy dispensing that prescription has previously dispensed to the patient a controlled substance other than by means of the Internet and pursuant to the valid prescription of a practitioner that meets the applicable requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of section 309 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 829) and §§ 1306.21 and 1306.22 of this chapter (for purposes of this definition, such a prescription shall be referred to as the “original prescription”);
(2) The pharmacy contacts the practitioner who issued the original prescription at the request of that individual to determine whether the practitioner will authorize the issuance of a new prescription for that individual for the controlled substance described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section (i.e., the same controlled substance as described in paragraph (d)(1)); and
(3) The practitioner, acting in the usual course of professional practice, determines there is a legitimate medical purpose for the issuance of the new prescription.
21 CFR § 1300.04
Scoping language
Any term not defined in this part or elsewhere in this chapter shall have the definition set forth in sections 102 and 309 of the Act (21 U.S.C. 802, 829).