(B) Catcher/processor. The operator of a catcher/processor using trawl gear must record in the DCPL or submit via eLandings the information in the following table for each haul within the specified time limit:
(iii) Required information, if inactive. See paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(iv) Required information, if active—(A) Catcher vessel.
(1) A catcher vessel using trawl gear is active when all or part of the trawl net is in the water.
(2) If the catcher vessel identified in paragraph (c)(4)(i)(A) of this section is active, the operator must record for one day per logsheet in the DFL, the information described in paragraphs (c)(4)(v), (vi), (viii), and (x) of this section.
(B) Catcher/processor.
(1) A catcher/processor using trawl gear is active when processing groundfish or when all or part of the trawl net is in the water.
(2) If the catcher/processor identified in paragraph (c)(4)(i)(B) of this section is active, the operator must record for one day per logsheet in the DCPL, the information described in paragraphs (c)(4)(v) and (vi) of this section and submit in eLandings the information described in paragraphs (c)(4)(v), (vii), and (ix) of this section.
(v) Identification information. If active, the operator must record the following information (see paragraphs (c)(4)(v)(A) through (J) of this section):
(A) Date. Enter date of each day (mm/dd/yyyy). This date is also the date of gear deployment.
(B) Page number. Number the pages in each logbook consecutively, beginning on the first page of the DFL or DCPL with page 1 for January 1 and continuing for the remainder of the fishing year.
(C) Printed name and signature of operator. The operator's name must be printed in the DFL or DCPL. The operator must sign each completed logsheet of the DFL or DCPL as verification of acceptance of the responsibility required in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The operator's signature is due by 2400 hours A.l.t. of the day following the week-ending date of the weekly reporting period.
(D) Vessel identification. Name of vessel as displayed in official documentation; FFP number of the vessel; ADF&G vessel registration number if a catcher vessel; and ADF&G processor code if a catcher/processor.
(E) Federal reporting area. Record the Federal reporting area code where gear retrieval was completed, regardless of where the majority of the set took place. Use a separate logsheet for each reporting area.
(F) COBLZ or RKCSA. If gear retrieval occurred in the COBLZ (see Figure 13 to this part) or RKCSA (see Figure 11 to this part) area within a reporting area, use two separate logsheets, the first to record the information from the reporting area that includes COBLZ or RKCSA, and the second to record the information from the reporting area that does not include COBLZ or RKCSA.
(G) Crew size. If a catcher vessel, record the number of crew members (including operator), excluding observer(s), on the last day of a trip. If a catcher/processor, record the number of crew members (including operator), excluding observer(s), on the last day of the weekly reporting period.
(H) Gear type. Use a separate logsheet for each gear type. Indicate whether pelagic trawl or non-pelagic trawl gear was used to harvest the fish.
(I) Management program. Indicate whether harvest occurred under one of the management programs (see paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section). Use a separate logsheet for each management program. If harvest is not under one of the listed management programs, leave blank.
(J) Observer information. Record the number of observers aboard, the name of the observer(s), and the observer cruise number(s).
(vi) Catch-by-haul information. The operator must record the following information (see paragraphs (c)(4)(vi)(A) through (I) of this section) for each haul (see § 679.2). If no catch occurred for a given day, write “no catch.”
(A) Haul number. Number hauls sequentially by year.
(B) Gear deployment (or to set gear). Record the following information (see paragraphs (c)(4)(vi)(B)(1) and (2) of this section) for trawl gear deployment:
(1) The time (in military format, A.l.t.) when the trawl net enters the water, and
(2) The position (latitude and longitude to the nearest minute; indicate E or W for longitude) where the trawl net enters the water.
(C) Gear retrieval (or to haul gear). Record the following information (see paragraphs (c)(4)(vi)(C)(1) and (2) of this section) for trawl gear retrieval:
(1) The date (mm/dd) and time (in military format, A.l.t.) when retrieval of trawl gear cable begins.
(2) The position (in latitude and longitude to the nearest minute; indicate E or W for longitude) where retrieval of trawl gear cable begins.
(D) Average sea depth and average gear depth. Average sea depth and average gear depth; indicate whether average is reported to the nearest meter or fathom.
(E) Species codes. The operator must record and report required information for all groundfish (see Table 2a to this part), prohibited species (see Table 2b to this part), forage fish (see Table 2c to this part), grenadiers (see Table 2c to this part), squids (see Table 2c to this part), and sculpins (see Table 2c to this part). The operator may record and report information for non-groundfish (see Table 2d to this part).
(F) Target species code. Enter the species code of the species to be harvested. Enter only one target species code.
(G) IR/IU species (see § 679.27). If a catcher/processor, enter species code of IR/IU species and estimated total round weight for each IR/IU species, if applicable; indicate whether estimated weight is to the nearest pound or the nearest 0.001 mt. Use one line to record information for each IR/IU species, including species code and amount of catch. If more than one IR/IU species are to be recorded, the operator must use a separate line for each species.
(H) Total estimated hail weight.
(1) If a catcher vessel or catcher/processor using trawl gear and not using NMFS-approved scales, the operator must record the hail weight of each haul; total hail weight is an estimate of the total weight of the entire catch without regard to species. Indicate whether estimated weight is to the nearest pound or to the nearest 0.001 mt.
(2) If a catcher/processor using trawl gear is required to use a NMFS-approved scale, the operator must record the scale weight of each haul without regard to species. Indicate whether weight is to the nearest pound or to the nearest 0.001 mt.
(I) Movement to Avoid Salmon. If a catcher vessel is directed fishing for pollock in the Bering Sea, indicate with a check mark (X) whether, prior to the haul, the operator moved fishing location primarily to avoid Chinook salmon bycatch.
(vii) Product information, catcher/processor. The operator of a catcher/processor using trawl gear must record all product information for all retained groundfish in eLandings (see paragraph (e)(10) of this section).
(viii) Discard or disposition information, catcher vessel. The operator must record in a DFL (see paragraphs (c)(4)(viii)(A) through (E) of this section) the discard or disposition that occurred prior to and during delivery to a buying station, tender vessel, mothership, shoreside processor, or SFP. If no discards or disposition occurred on a given day, write “no discards or disposition.”
(A) Species code and product code. Record the species code and product code for all discards and disposition of groundfish and PSC Pacific herring, Pacific salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific halibut, king crabs, and Tanner crabs.
(B) Discard and disposition weight. Record the daily estimated total round weight of groundfish or Pacific herring PSC discards and disposition, balance forward weight from the previous day, and cumulative total weight since last delivery, calculated by adding the daily totals and balance carried forward from the day before; indicate whether estimated weight is to the nearest pound or nearest 0.001 mt.
(C) PSC discard numbers. Record the daily number of PSC discards and disposition, balance forward from the previous day, and cumulative total number since last delivery of PSC animals (Pacific salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific halibut, king crabs, and Tanner crabs).
(D) Discard and disposition cumulative total. Summarize cumulative discard and disposition totals of groundfish and PSC animals separately by reporting area, if harvest occurred in the COBLZ or RKCSA, management program, and gear type.
(E) Discard zero balance forward. After the offload or transfer of all fish or fish product onboard and prior to the beginning of each fishing trip, the operator must record the balance forward from the previous day as “zero” and start a new logsheet. At the beginning of each fishing trip, nothing shall be carried forward from the previous fishing trip.
(ix) Discard or disposition information, catcher/processor. The operator of a catcher/processor using trawl gear must record discard or disposition information in eLandings (see paragraph (e)(10) of this section).
(x) Catcher vessel delivery information. The operator must enter the following delivery information (see paragraphs (c)(4)(x)(A) through (C) of this section) for groundfish delivered to a buying station, tender vessel, mothership, shoreside processor, or SFP:
(A) Date (mm/dd) that delivery of harvest was completed,
(B) ADF&G fish ticket number issued to operator by the recipient receiving the delivery, and
(C) Name and ADF&G processor code of recipient.
(5) Shoreside processor DCPL. The shoreside processor DCPL has been replaced by eLandings and is no longer available. (See paragraph (e) of this section.)
(i) Required information, if inactive. See paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(ii) Required information, if active. A shoreside processor or SFP is active when receiving or processing groundfish.
(6) Mothership DCPL—(i) Responsibility. Except as described in paragraph (f)(1)(v) of this section, the operator of a mothership that is required to have an FFP under § 679.4(b), or the manager of a CQE floating processor that receives or processes any groundfish from the GOA or BSAI from vessels issued an FFP under § 679.4(b), is required to use a combination of mothership DCPL and eLandings to record and report daily processor identification information, delivery information, groundfish production data, and groundfish and prohibited species discard or disposition data. The operator or manager must enter into the DCPL any information for groundfish received from catcher vessels, groundfish received from processors for reprocessing or rehandling, and groundfish received from an associated tender vessel.
(ii) Reporting time limits. The operator of a mothership must record in the DCPL or submit via eLandings the information in the following table for each groundfish delivery within the specified time limit:
(iii) Required information, if inactive. See paragraph (c)(2) of this section.
(iv) Required information, if active. A mothership is active when receiving or processing groundfish. If the mothership identified in paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section is active, the operator must record for one day per logsheet in the DCPL, the information described in paragraphs (c)(6)(v) and (vi) of this section and record in eLandings the information described in paragraphs (c)(6)(v), (vii), and (viii) of this section.
(v) Identification information. If active, the operator must record the following information (see paragraphs (c)(6)(v)(A) through (J) of this section) in the DCPL:
(A) Page number. Number the pages in each logbook consecutively, beginning with page 1 for January 1 and continuing throughout the logbook for the remainder of the fishing year.
(B) Printed name and signature of operator. The operator's name must be printed in the DCPL. The operator must sign each completed DCPL logsheet as verification of acceptance of the responsibility required in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(C) Vessel information. Name of mothership, or CQE floating processor as displayed in official documentation, FFP or FPP number, and ADF&G processor code.
(D) Date. Enter date (mm/dd/yyyy) of each operating day.
(E) Crew size. Record the number of crew members (including operator), excluding observer(s), on the last day of the weekly reporting period.
(F) Gear type. Indicate the gear type of harvester. If gear type is other than those listed, circle “Other” and describe. Use a separate logsheet for each gear type.
(G) Federal reporting areas. Record Federal reporting area code (see Figures 1 and 3 to this part) where harvest was completed. Use a separate logsheet for each reporting area.
(H) COBLZ or RKCSA. If groundfish was harvested with trawl gear in the COBLZ or RKCSA, use two separate logsheets to record the information: one logsheet for the reporting area that includes COBLZ or RKCSA, and a second logsheet to record the information from the reporting area that does not include COBLZ or RKCSA.
(I) Observer information. Record the number of observers aboard, the name(s) of the observer(s), and the observer cruise number(s).
(J) Management program. Indicate whether harvest occurred under one of the management programs (see paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section). Use a separate logsheet for each management program. If harvest is not under one of the listed management programs, leave blank.
(vi) Delivery information. The operator must record delivery information (see paragraphs (c)(6)(vi)(A) through (H) of this section) when unprocessed groundfish deliveries are received by the mothership from a tender vessel or a catcher vessel. If no deliveries are received for a given day, write “no deliveries.”
(A) Type of delivery. Enter “CV” or “TV” to indicate if delivery was from a catcher vessel or tender vessel, respectively.
(B) Non-submittal of discard report. Indicate whether the blue logsheet was received from the catcher vessel at the time of catch delivery. If the delivery was from a tender vessel, leave this column blank. If the blue logsheet is not received from the catcher vessel, enter “NO” and one of the response codes in the following table to describe the reason for non-submittal.
(C) Vessel identification. Name and ADF&G vessel registration number of the catcher vessel or tender vessel (if applicable) delivering the groundfish.
(D) Receipt time. Record time (in military format, A.l.t.) when receipt of groundfish delivery was completed.
(E) Beginning position of receipt. Record the position coordinates (in latitude and longitude to the nearest minute; indicate E or W for longitude) where receipt of the groundfish delivery began.
(F) Estimated total groundfish hail weight. Enter the estimated total hail weight of the combined species of each delivery from a catcher vessel or tender vessel. Total estimated hail weight is an estimate of the total weight of the entire catch without regard to species. Indicate whether the estimated weight is to the nearest pound or to the nearest 0.001 mt. If a catcher vessel reported discards on a blue DFL but did not deliver groundfish, enter “0” in this column.
(G) IR/IU species (see § 679.27). Enter the species code of IR/IU species and the estimated total round weight for each IR/IU species, if applicable; indicate whether estimated weight is to the nearest pound or the nearest 0.001 mt. Use one line to record information for each IR/IU species, including species code and amount of catch. If more than one IR/IU species are to be recorded, the operator must use a separate line for each species.
(H) ADF&G fish ticket numbers. If receiving unprocessed groundfish from a catcher vessel, record the ADF&G fish ticket number that the mothership issued to each catcher vessel. If receiving unprocessed groundfish from an associated tender vessel, record the ADF&G fish ticket numbers issued by the tender vessel on behalf of the mothership to the catcher vessel.
(vii) Product information. The operator of a mothership must record all groundfish product information in eLandings (see paragraph (e)(10) of this section), including products made from unprocessed groundfish deliveries received from a tender vessel or a catcher vessel; groundfish received from another processor or other source; and groundfish received for custom processing (see paragraph (a)(7) of this section) by the mothership for another processor or business entity.
(viii) Discard or disposition information. The operator of a mothership must record discard and disposition information in eLandings (see paragraph (e)(10) of this section). The discard or disposition information must include:
(A) Discards and disposition that occurred onboard after receipt of groundfish from a catcher vessel or tender vessel;
(B) Discards and disposition that occurred prior to, during, and after processing of groundfish;
(C) Discards and disposition that were reported on a blue DFL received from a catcher vessel delivering groundfish;
(D) Discards and disposition that are recorded on a blue DFL received from a catcher vessel even though no groundfish are delivered; and
(d) [Reserved]
(e) Interagency Electronic Reporting System (IERS) and eLandings—(1) Responsibility—(i) Hardware, software, and Internet connectivity. A User must obtain at his or her own expense hardware, software, and Internet connectivity to support Internet submissions of commercial fishery landings for which participants report to NMFS: landing data, production data, and discard or disposition data. The User must enter this information via the Internet by logging on to the eLandings system at or other NMFS-approved software or by using the desktop client software.
(ii) Reporting of non-IFQ groundfish. If the User is unable to submit commercial fishery landings of non-IFQ groundfish due to hardware, software, or Internet failure for a period longer than the required reporting time, contact NMFS Inseason Management at 907–586–7228 for instructions. When the hardware, software, or Internet is restored, the User must enter this same information into eLandings or other NMFS-approved software.
(iii) IFQ manual landing report. If the User is unable to submit commercial fishery landings of IFQ crab, IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, or IFQ sablefish due to hardware, software, or Internet failure for a period longer than the required reporting time, or a change must be made to information already submitted, the User must complete an IFQ manual landing report. Manual landing instructions must be obtained from OLE, Juneau, AK, at 800–304–4846 (Select Option 1).
(A) The User must complete all questions on the manual report, even if only one item has changed. The following additional information is required: whether the report is original or revised, name, telephone number, and fax number of individual submitting the manual landing report.
(B) The User must fax the IFQ manual landing report to 907–586–7313.
(C) The User must retain the paper copies of IFQ manual landing reports as indicated at paragraph (a)(5) of this section and make them available upon request of NMFS observers and authorized officers as indicated at paragraph (a)(6) of this section.
(2) eLandings processor registration.
(i) Before a User can use the eLandings system to report landings, production, discard or disposition data, he or she must request authorization to use the system, reserve a unique UserID, and obtain a password by using the Internet to complete the eLandings processor registration at
(ii) Upon registration acceptance, the User must print, sign, and mail the User Agreement Form to NMFS at the address or fax number shown on the form. Confirmation will be e-mailed to indicate that the User is registered, authorized to use eLandings, and that the UserID and User's account are enabled.
(iii) The User's signature on the registration form means that the User agrees to the following terms (see paragraphs (e)(2)(iii)(A) through (C) of this section):
(A) To use eLandings access privileges only for submitting legitimate fishery landing reports;
(B) To safeguard the UserID and password to prevent their use by unauthorized persons; and
(C) To ensure that the User is authorized to submit landing reports for the processor permit number(s) listed.
(3) Information required for eLandings processor registration form. The User must enter the following information (see paragraphs (e)(3)(i) through (ix) of this section) to obtain operation registration and UserID registration:
(i) Operation type. Select the operation type from the dropdown list.
(ii) Operation name. Enter a name that will refer to the specific operation. For example, if the plant is in Kodiak and the company is East Pacific Seafoods, the operation name might read “East Pacific Seafoods-Kodiak.”
(iii) ADF&G processor code. Enter ADF&G processor code.
(iv) Federal permit number. Enter all the federal permits associated with the operation.
(A) Groundfish shoreside processor, SFP, or CQE floating processor. If a groundfish shoreside processor, SFP, or CQE floating processor, enter the FPP number.
(B) Groundfish catcher/processor or mothership. If a groundfish catcher/processor or mothership, enter the FFP number.
(C) Registered Buyer. If a Registered Buyer, enter the Registered Buyer permit number.
(D) Registered Crab Receiver. If a Registered Crab Receiver, enter the Registered Crab Receiver permit number.
(v) Port code. Enter the home port code (see Tables 14a, 14b, and 14c to this part) for the operation.
(vi) ADF&G vessel registration number. If a mothership, catcher/processor, or tender operation, the operator must enter the ADF&G vessel identification number of the vessel.
(vii) Vehicle license number. If a buying station operation that is a vehicle, enter vehicle license number and the state of license issuance.
(viii) Physical operation. If a buying station, tender vessel, or custom processor, enter the following information to identify the associated processor where the processing will take place: operation type, ADF&G processor code, and applicable FFP number, FPP number, Registered Buyer permit number, and Registered Crab Receiver permit number.
(ix) UserID registration for primary User. Each operation requires a primary User. Enter the following information for the primary User for the new operation: create and enter a UserID, initial password, company name, User name (name of the person who will use the UserID), city and state where the operation is located, business telephone number, business fax number, business e-mail address, security question, and security answer.
(4) Information entered automatically for eLandings landing report. eLandings autofills the following fields from processor registration records (see paragraph (e)(2) of this section): UserID, processor company name, business telephone number, e-mail address, port of landing, operation type (for catcher/processors, motherships, or SFPs), ADF&G processor code, and Federal permit number. The User must review the autofilled cells to ensure that they are accurate for the landing that is taking place. eLandings assigns a unique landing report number and an ADF&G electronic fish ticket number upon completion of data entry.
(5) Shoreside processor, SFP, or CQE floating processor landing report. The manager of a shoreside processor, SFP, or CQE floating processor that receives groundfish from a catcher vessel issued an FFP under § 679.4 and that is required to have an FPP under § 679.4(f) must use eLandings or other NMFS-approved software to submit a daily landing report during the fishing year to report processor identification information and the following information under paragraphs (e)(5)(i) through (iii) of this section:
(i) Information entered for each groundfish delivery to a shoreside processor, SFP, or CQE floating processor. The User for a shoreside processor, SFP, or CQE floating processor must enter the following information (see paragraphs (e)(5)(i)(A) through (C) of this section) for each groundfish delivery (other than IFQ sablefish) provided by the operator of a catcher vessel, the operator or manager of an associated buying station or tender vessel, and from processors for reprocessing or rehandling product into eLandings or other NMFS-approved software:
(A) Delivery information.
(1) Number of observers onboard.
(2) For crew size, enter the number of licensed crew aboard the vessel, including the operator.
(3) Management program name and identifying number, if any, in which harvest occurred (see paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section).
(4) ADF&G groundfish statistical area of harvest.
(5) For date of landing, enter date (mm/dd/yyyy) that the delivery was completed.
(6) Indicate (YES or NO) whether delivery is from a buying station or tender vessel.
(7) If the delivery is received from a buying station, indicate the name of the buying station. If the delivery is received from a tender vessel, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number.
(8) If delivery is received from a catcher vessel, indicate the ADF&G vessel registration number of the vessel.
(9) Indicate whether the blue logsheet was received from the catcher vessel at the time of catch delivery. If the blue logsheet is not received from the catcher vessel, enter “NO” and select the applicable code from the following table to explain the reason provided by the catcher vessel for not supplying this copy:
(10) Gear type of harvester.
(11) ADF&G fish ticket number provided to catcher vessel (eLandings assigns an ADF&G fish ticket number to the landing report).
(12) If receiving deliveries of groundfish in the marine municipal boundaries of a CQE community listed in Table 21 to this part.
(B) Landed scale weight. The User for a shoreside processor or SFP must record landed scale weight (to the nearest pound) for all retained species from groundfish deliveries by species code and delivery condition code. Obtain actual weights for each groundfish species received and retained by:
(1) Sorting according to species codes and direct weighing of that species, or
(2) Weighing the entire delivery and then sorting and weighing the groundfish species individually to determine their weights.
(C) Discard or disposition information. The User must record:
(1) Discard or disposition of fish: that occurred on and was reported by a catcher vessel; that occurred on and was reported by a buying station or tender vessel; and that occurred prior to, during, and/or after production of groundfish at the shoreside processor or SFP. Discards and dispositions also must be recorded when no groundfish are delivered but the blue DFL is submitted by a catcher vessel containing records of discards or disposition.
(2) If groundfish or PSC herring, enter species code, delivery condition code, disposition code, and weight (to the nearest pound), and
(3) If PSC halibut, salmon, or crab, enter species code, delivery condition code, disposition code, and count (in numbers of animals).
(ii) Submittal time limit. The User for a shoreside processor or SFP must submit a landing report containing the information described in paragraph (e)(5)(i) of this section for each groundfish delivery from a specific vessel by 1200 hours, A.l.t., of the day following completion of the delivery. If the landed scale weight required in paragraph (e)(5)(i)(C) of this section is not available by this deadline, the User must transmit an estimated weight for each species by 1200 hours, A.l.t., of the day following completion of the delivery, and must submit a revised landing report with the landed scale weight for each species by 1200 hours, A.l.t., of the third day following completion of the delivery.
(iii) Compliance. By using eLandings, the User for the shoreside processor or SFP and the operator for the catcher vessel or tender vessel or manager of the buying station providing information to the User for the shoreside processor or SFP accept the responsibility of and acknowledge compliance with § 679.7(a)(10).
(6) Mothership landing report. The operator of a mothership that is issued an FFP under § 679.4(b) that receives groundfish from a catcher vessel required to have an FFP under § 679.4 is required to use eLandings or other NMFS-approved software to submit a daily landing report during the fishing year to report processor identification information and the following information under paragraphs (e)(6)(i) through (iii) of this section:
(i) Information entered for each groundfish delivery to a mothership. The User for a mothership must enter the following information (see paragraphs (e)(6)(i)(A)(1) through (12) of this section) provided by the operator of a catcher vessel, operator or manager of an associated tender vessel, or information received from processors for reprocessing or rehandling product.
(A) Delivery information.
(1) Number of observers onboard.
(2) Crew size (including operator).
(3) Management program name and identifying number, if any, in which harvest occurred (see paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section).
(4) ADF&G groundfish statistical area of harvest.
(5) Date (mm/dd/yyyy) that delivery was completed.
(6) If the delivery is received from a tender, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number of the tender.
(7) If delivery received from a catcher vessel, enter the ADF&G vessel registration number of the vessel.
(8) Indicate whether the blue logsheet was received from the catcher vessel at the time of catch delivery. If the blue logsheet was not received from the catcher vessel, enter “NO” and select a code from the following table to explain the reason provided by the catcher vessel for not supplying this copy.
(9) Gear type of harvester.
(10) Total estimated round weight by species (pounds).
(11) ADF&G fish ticket number provided to catcher vessel (eLandings assigns an ADF&G fish ticket number to the landing report).
(12) For deliveries from catcher vessels directed fishing for pollock in the Bering Sea, indicate whether, prior to the haul, the operator of the catcher vessel moved fishing location primarily to avoid Chinook salmon bycatch.
(B) Discard or disposition information.
(1) The User must record discard or disposition information that occurred on and was reported by a catcher vessel; that occurred on and was reported by a tender vessel; and that occurred prior to, during, and after production of groundfish at the mothership. Discards and dispositions also must be recorded when no groundfish are delivered but the blue DFL is submitted by a catcher vessel containing records of discards or disposition.
(2) If groundfish or PSC herring, enter species code, delivery condition code, disposition code, and weight (to the nearest pound), and
(3) If PSC halibut, salmon, or crab, enter species code, delivery condition code, disposition code, and count (in numbers of animals).
(ii) Submittal time limit. The User for a mothership must submit a landing report containing the information described at paragraph (e)(6)(i) of this section for each groundfish delivery from a specific vessel by 2400 hours, A.l.t., of the day following the delivery.
(iii) Compliance. By using eLandings, the User for the mothership and the catcher vessel operator or tender vessel operator providing information to the User for the mothership accept the responsibility of and acknowledge compliance with § 679.7(a)(10).
(7) Registered Buyer landing report. A person who is issued a Registered Buyer permit under § 679.4(d)(3) and who receives IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish from an IFQ permit holder or who receives CDQ halibut from a CDQ permit holder at any time during the fishing year is required to use eLandings or other NMFS-approved software to submit landing reports with the following information from paragraphs (e)(7)(i) and (ii) of this section):
(i) Information entered for each IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, and IFQ sablefish delivery. The User for a Registered Buyer must enter the following information (see paragraphs (e)(7)(i)(A) through (E) of this section) for each IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, and IFQ sablefish delivery into eLandings or other NMFS-approved software:
(A) User identification. UserID and password of person assigned for that system.
(B) Landing date. Date (mm/dd/yyyy) of the landing.
(C) Landing location. Location (port code) of the landing (See Tables 14a, 14b, and 14c to this part).
(D) Permit numbers. Permit number of the IFQ permit holder, and any IFQ hired master permit holder, or CDQ hired master permit holder harvesting the fish and permit number of Registered Buyer receiving the IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut.
(E) Delivery information. As reported by the IFQ permit holder, IFQ hired master permit holder, or CDQ hired master permit holder including the information in paragraphs (e)(7)(i)(E)(1) through (9) of this section):
(1) Harvesting vessel's ADF&G vessel registration number.
(2) Gear code of gear used to harvest IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut.
(3) ADF&G fish ticket number(s) for the landing (after the initial eLandings report is submitted, eLandings assigns an ADF&G fish ticket number to the landing report).
(4) ADF&G statistical area of harvest.
(5) If ADF&G statistical area is bisected by a line dividing two IFQ regulatory areas, provide the IFQ regulatory area of harvest.
(6) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(7)(i)(E)(7) of this section, initial accurate scale weight(s) (to the nearest pound) made at the time of offloading for IFQ halibut, IFQ sablefish, or CDQ halibut sold and retained (where retained includes fish intended for personal use, fish weighed and reloaded for delivery to another processor, and fish landed but rejected at the dock by the Registered Buyer); species codes; delivery condition code; and disposition code for each ADF&G statistical area of harvest.
(7) Accurate weight of IFQ sablefish processed product obtained before the offload may be substituted for the initial accurate scale weight provided in paragraph (e)(7)(i)(E)(6) of this section, at time of offload, if the vessel operator is a Registered Buyer reporting an IFQ sablefish landing.
(8) Indicate whether initial accurate scale weight is given with or without ice and slime. Fish which have been washed prior to weighing or which have been offloaded from refrigerated salt water are not eligible for a 2-percent deduction for ice and slime and must be reported as fish weights without ice and slime. The 2-percent deduction is made by NMFS, not the submitter.
(9) Indicate whether IFQ halibut is incidental catch concurrent with legal landing of salmon or concurrent with legal landing of lingcod harvested using dinglebar gear.
(ii) Signatures for IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, or IFQ sablefish deliveries.
(A) The User for the Registered Buyer must print the completed groundfish landing report (ADF&G electronic groundfish ticket) and the sablefish/halibut IFQ landing receipt. The User must review the autofilled data entry cells to ensure that they are accurate for the landing that is taking place.
(B) The User for the Registered Buyer, plus the IFQ permit holder or the IFQ hired master permit holder or CDQ hired master permit holder, must acknowledge the accuracy of the printed IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, or IFQ sablefish landing receipt, and if necessary, IFQ manual landing report, by entering printed name, signature, and date.
(iii) Time limits—(A) Landing hours. A landing of IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, or IFQ sablefish may commence only between 0600 hours, A.l.t., and 1800 hours, A.l.t., unless permission to land at a different time is granted in advance by a clearing officer.
(B) Landing receipt signatures. The User for the Registered Buyer and the IFQ permit holder, IFQ hired master permit holder, or CDQ hired master permit holder must sign the sablefish/halibut IFQ landing receipt within six hours after all IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, and IFQ sablefish are offloaded from a harvesting vessel and prior to shipment or transfer of the fish from the landing site.
(C) Landing completion. The User for the Registered Buyer must submit an IFQ landing report, containing the information described in this paragraph (e)(7), within six hours after all IFQ halibut, CDQ halibut, and IFQ sablefish are offloaded from a specific vessel and prior to shipment or transfer of said fish from the landing site.
(iv) IFQ manual landing report. See paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section.
(8) Registered Crab Receiver (RCR) IFQ crab landing report.
(i) A person who is issued an RCR permit under § 680.4(i) of this chapter and who receives IFQ crab from a crab IFQ permit holder or crab IFQ hired master is required to use eLandings to submit a landing report to report every landing of IFQ crab and incidental groundfish.
(ii) An RCR using a catcher/processor is required to submit a crab landing report using eLandings in a format approved by NMFS. NMFS will provide format specifications upon request. Interested parties may contact NMFS Alaska Region, Sustainable Fisheries Division, Catch Accounting/Data Quality, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802–1668, telephone 907–586–7228.
(iii) Information entered for each IFQ crab delivery. The User for the RCR must submit information described at paragraphs (e)(8)(iii)(A) through (D) of this section into eLandings or other NMFS-approved software for each IFQ crab delivery:
(A) Permit numbers. RCR permit number, IFQ permit number, and IPQ permit number, as appropriate.
(B) Operation type and port code—(1) If a shoreside processor, the port code is pre-filled automatically (see § 679.5(e)(4)).
(2) If a catcher/processor, the at-sea operation type is pre-filled automatically.
(3) If an SFP and crab delivery is received in port, the at-sea operation type is pre-filled automatically (see § 679.5(e)(4)) and the User must enter the port code from Table 14a to this part.
(4) If an SFP and crab delivery is received at sea, the at-sea operation type is pre-filled automatically (see § 679.5(e)(4)) and the User must enter the appropriate crab regional designation (see § 680.40(b)(2)), shown below: