New affected source
New affected source means the collection of equipment, activities, or both within a single contiguous area and under common control that is included in a section 112 source category or subcategory that is subject to a section 112(d) or other relevant standard for new sources. This definition of new affected source, and the criteria to be utilized in implementing it, shall apply to each section 112(d) standard for which the initial proposed rule is signed by the Administrator after June 30, 2002. Each relevant standard will define the term new affected source, which will be the same as the affected source unless a different collection is warranted based on consideration of factors including:
(1) Emission reduction impacts of controlling individual sources versus groups of sources;
(2) Cost effectiveness of controlling individual equipment;
(3) Flexibility to accommodate common control strategies;
(4) Cost/benefits of emissions averaging;
(5) Incentives for pollution prevention;
(6) Feasibility and cost of controlling processes that share common equipment (e.g., product recovery devices);
(7) Feasibility and cost of monitoring; and
(8) Other relevant factors.
40 CFR § 63.2
Scoping language
The terms used in this part are defined in the Act or in this section as follows: