Cargo Declaration.
Cargo Declaration.
(1) The Cargo Declaration (CBP Form 1302 submitted in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) or (b)(4) of this section) must list all the inward foreign cargo on board the vessel regardless of the U.S. port of discharge, and must separately list any other foreign cargo remaining on board (“FROB”). For the purposes of this part, “FROB” means cargo which is laden in a foreign port, is intended for discharge in a foreign port, and remains aboard a vessel during either direct or indirect stops at one or more intervening United States ports. The block designated “Arrival” at the top of the form shall be checked. The name of the shipper shall be set forth in the column calling for such information and on the same line where the bill of lading is listed for that shipper's merchandise. When more than one bill of lading is listed for merchandise from the same shipper, ditto marks or the word “ditto” may be used to indicate the same shipper. The cargo described in column Nos. 6 and 7, and either column No. 8 or 9, shall refer to the respective bills of lading. Either column No. 8 or column No. 9 shall be used, as appropriate. The gross weight in column No. 8 shall be expressed in either pounds or kilograms. The measurement in column No. 9 shall be expressed according to the unit of measure specified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) (19 U.S.C. 1202).
(i) When inward foreign cargo is being shipped by container, each bill of lading shall be listed in the column headed “B/L Nr.” in numerical sequence according to the bill of lading number. The number of the container which contains the cargo covered by that bill of lading and the number of the container seal shall be listed in column No. 6 opposite the bill of lading number. The number of any other bill of lading for cargo in that container also shall be listed in column No. 6 immediately under the container and seal numbers. A description of the cargo shall be set forth in column No. 7 only if the covering bill of lading is listed in the column headed “B/L Nr.”
(ii) As an alternative to the procedure described in paragraph (i), a separate list of the bills of lading covering each container on the vessel may be submitted on CBP Form 1302 or on a separate sheet. If this procedure is used:
(A) Each container number shall be listed in alphanumeric sequence by port of discharge in column No. 6 of CBP Form 1302, or on the separate sheet; and
(B) The number of each bill of lading covering cargo in a particular container, identifying the port of lading, shall be listed opposite the number of the container with that cargo in the column headed “B/L Nr.” if CBP Form 1302 is used, or either opposite or under the number of the container if a separate sheet is used.
(iii) All bills of lading, whether issued by a carrier, freight forwarder, or other issuer, shall contain a unique identifier consisting of up to 16 characters in length. The unique bill of lading number will be composed of two elements. The first element will be the first four characters consisting of the carrier or issuer's four digit Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) assigned to the carrier in the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Directory of Standard Multi-Modal Carrier and Tariff Agent Codes, applicable supplements thereto and reissues thereof. The second element may be up to 12 characters in length and may be either alpha and/or numeric. The unique identifier shall not be used by the carrier, freight forwarder or issuer for another bill of lading for a period of 3 years after issuance. CBP processing of the unique identifier will be limited to checking the validity of the Standard Carrier Alpha Codes (SCAC) and ensuring that the identifier has not been duplicated within a 3-year period. Carriers and broker/importers will be responsible for reconciliation of discrepancies between cargo declarations and entries. CBP will not perform any reconciliation except in a post-audit process.
(3) For shipment of containerized or palletized cargo, CBP officers shall accept a Cargo Declaration which indicates that it has been prepared on the basis of information furnished by the shipper. The use of words of qualification shall not limit the responsibility of a master to submit accurate Cargo Declarations or qualify the oath taken by the master as to the accuracy of his declaration.
(i) If Cargo Declaration covers only containerized or palletized cargo, the following statement may be placed on the declaration:
(1) The Cargo Declaration (CBP Form 1302 submitted in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) or (b)(4) of this section) must list all the inward foreign cargo on board the vessel regardless of the U.S. port of discharge, and must separately list any other foreign cargo remaining on board (“FROB”). For the purposes of this part, “FROB” means cargo which is laden in a foreign port, is intended for discharge in a foreign port, and remains aboard a vessel during either direct or indirect stops at one or more intervening United States ports. The block designated “Arrival” at the top of the form shall be checked. The name of the shipper shall be set forth in the column calling for such information and on the same line where the bill of lading is listed for that shipper's merchandise. When more than one bill of lading is listed for merchandise from the same shipper, ditto marks or the word “ditto” may be used to indicate the same shipper. The cargo described in column Nos. 6 and 7, and either column No. 8 or 9, shall refer to the respective bills of lading. Either column No. 8 or column No. 9 shall be used, as appropriate. The gross weight in column No. 8 shall be expressed in either pounds or kilograms. The measurement in column No. 9 shall be expressed according to the unit of measure specified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) (19 U.S.C. 1202).
(i) When inward foreign cargo is being shipped by container, each bill of lading shall be listed in the column headed “B/L Nr.” in numerical sequence according to the bill of lading number. The number of the container which contains the cargo covered by that bill of lading and the number of the container seal shall be listed in column No. 6 opposite the bill of lading number. The number of any other bill of lading for cargo in that container also shall be listed in column No. 6 immediately under the container and seal numbers. A description of the cargo shall be set forth in column No. 7 only if the covering bill of lading is listed in the column headed “B/L Nr.”
(ii) As an alternative to the procedure described in paragraph (i), a separate list of the bills of lading covering each container on the vessel may be submitted on CBP Form 1302 or on a separate sheet. If this procedure is used:
(A) Each container number shall be listed in alphanumeric sequence by port of discharge in column No. 6 of CBP Form 1302, or on the separate sheet; and
(B) The number of each bill of lading covering cargo in a particular container, identifying the port of lading, shall be listed opposite the number of the container with that cargo in the column headed “B/L Nr.” if CBP Form 1302 is used, or either opposite or under the number of the container if a separate sheet is used.
(iii) All bills of lading, whether issued by a carrier, freight forwarder, or other issuer, shall contain a unique identifier consisting of up to 16 characters in length. The unique bill of lading number will be composed of two elements. The first element will be the first four characters consisting of the carrier or issuer's four digit Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) assigned to the carrier in the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Directory of Standard Multi-Modal Carrier and Tariff Agent Codes, applicable supplements thereto and reissues thereof. The second element may be up to 12 characters in length and may be either alpha and/or numeric. The unique identifier shall not be used by the carrier, freight forwarder or issuer for another bill of lading for a period of 3 years after issuance. CBP processing of the unique identifier will be limited to checking the validity of the Standard Carrier Alpha Codes (SCAC) and ensuring that the identifier has not been duplicated within a 3-year period. Carriers and broker/importers will be responsible for reconciliation of discrepancies between cargo declarations and entries. CBP will not perform any reconciliation except in a post-audit process.
(3) For shipment of containerized or palletized cargo, CBP officers shall accept a Cargo Declaration which indicates that it has been prepared on the basis of information furnished by the shipper. The use of words of qualification shall not limit the responsibility of a master to submit accurate Cargo Declarations or qualify the oath taken by the master as to the accuracy of his declaration.
(i) If Cargo Declaration covers only containerized or palletized cargo, the following statement may be placed on the declaration: