Budget neutrality
Budget neutrality(1) Federal fiscal year 1984. For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1983 and before October 1, 1984, CMS adjusts the target rate percentage used under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. This adjustment is based on a factor actuarially estimated to ensure that the estimated amount of aggregate Medicare payments based on the hospital-specific portion of the transition payment rates is neither greater nor less than 75 percent of the amounts that would have been payable for the inpatient operating costs for those same hospitals for fiscal year 1984 under the law in effect before April 20, 1983.
(1)Federal fiscal year 1984.For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1983 and before October 1, 1984, CMS adjusts the target rate percentage used underparagraph (c)(1)of this section. This adjustment is based on a factor actuarially estimated to ensure that the estimated amount of aggregate Medicare payments based on the hospital-specific portion of the transition payment rates is neither greater nor less than 75 percent of the amounts that would have been payable for the inpatient operating costs for those same hospitals for fiscal year 1984 under the law in effect before April 20, 1983.