Affected State

Affected State means, with respect to any program, plan, lease sale, or other activity proposed, conducted, or approved pursuant to the provisions of OCSLA, any State:
(i) The laws of which are declared, pursuant to section 4(a)(2) of OCSLA (43 U.S.C. 1333(a)(2)), to be the law of the United States for the portion of the OCS on which such activity is, or is proposed to be, conducted;
(ii) Which is, or is proposed to be, directly connected by transportation facilities to any artificial island or structure referred to in section 4(a)(1) of OCSLA (43 U.S.C. 1333(a)(1));
(iii) Which is receiving, or in accordance with the proposed activity will receive, oil for processing, refining, or transshipment that was extracted from the OCS and transported directly to that State by means of one or more vessels or by a combination of means, including a vessel;
(iv) Which is designated by the Secretary as a State in which there is a substantial probability of significant impact on or damage to the coastal, marine, or human environment; or a State in which there will be significant changes in the social, governmental, or economic infrastructure resulting from the exploration, development, and production of oil and gas anywhere on the OCS; or
(v) In which the Secretary finds that because of such activity, there is, or will be, a significant risk of serious damage, due to factors such as prevailing winds and currents, to the marine or coastal environment in the event of any oil spill, blowout, or release of oil or gas from one or more vessels, pipelines, or other transshipment facilities.


30 CFR § 556.105

Scoping language

Acronyms and terms used in this part have the following meanings:

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