Lump-sum payment

Lump-sum payment means a final payment to an employee for accumulated and accrued annual leave.


5 CFR § 550.1202

Scoping language

In this subpartAccumulated and accrued annual leave means any annual leave accumulated and accrued, as these terms are defined in 630.201 of this chapter, plus any annual leave credited to an employee under 5 U.S.C. 6304 and 630.301(d) of this chapter and any annual leave restored under 5 U.S.C. 6304(d). Accumulated and accrued annual leave does not include annual leave received by a leave recipient under the voluntary leave transfer or leave bank programs established under subchapters III and IV of chapter 63 of title 5, United States Code, or annual leave advanced to an employee under 5 U.S.C. 6302(d).

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