
States. If the recipient is a State, the recipient may use an amount consistent with the restrictions in 576.100 and 576.108 to carry out administrative activities through its employees or procurement contracts. If the recipient is a State, and has been identified as the HMIS lead by the Continuum of Care, the State may use funds to carry out HMIS activities set forth in 576.107(a)(2). The recipient must subgrant the remaining funds in its fiscal year grant to:
(1) Units of general purpose local government in the State, which may include metropolitan cities and urban counties that receive ESG funds directly from HUD; or
(2) Private nonprofit organizations, provided that for emergency shelter activities the recipient obtains a certification of approval from the unit of general purpose local government for the geographic area in which those activities are to be carried out.


24 CFR § 576.202

Scoping language

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