
Construction. With respect to this section, the following rules of construction apply:
(1) Hospital stays not mandatory. This section does not require a mother to -
(i) Give birth in a hospital; or
(ii) Stay in the hospital for a fixed period of time following the birth of her child.
(2) Hospital stay benefits not mandated. This section does not apply to any group health plan, or any group health insurance coverage, that does not provide benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth for a mother or her newborn child.
(3) Cost-sharing rules -
(i) In general. This section does not prevent a group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage from imposing deductibles, coinsurance, or other cost-sharing in relation to benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth for a mother or a newborn under the plan or coverage, except that the coinsurance or other cost-sharing for any portion of the hospital length of stay specified in paragraph (a) of this section may not be greater than that for any preceding portion of the stay.
(ii) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (c)(3) are illustrated by the following examples. In each example, the group health plan is subject to the requirements of this section, as follows:
(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan violates the rules of this paragraph (c)(3) because coinsurance for the second 24-hour period of the 48-hour stay is greater than that for the preceding portion of the stay. (In addition, the plan also violates the similar rule in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.)
(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plan does not violate the rules of this paragraph (c)(3) because the level of benefits provided (70 percent or 80 percent) is consistent throughout the 48-hour (or 96-hour) hospital length of stay required under paragraph (a) of this section. (In addition, the plan does not violate the rules in paragraph (a)(4) or (b)(2) of this section.)
(4) Compensation of attending provider. This section does not prevent a group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage from negotiating with an attending provider the level and type of compensation for care furnished in accordance with this section (including paragraph (b) of this section).
(d) Notice requirement. Except as provided in paragraph (d)(4) of this section, a group health plan that provides benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth must meet the following requirements:
(1) Required statement. The plan document that provides a description of plan benefits to participants and beneficiaries, or that notifies participants and beneficiaries of plan benefit changes, must disclose information that notifies participants and beneficiaries of their rights under this section.
(2) Disclosure notice. To meet the disclosure requirement set forth in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the following disclosure notice must be used:
(1) Hospital stays not mandatory. This section does not require a mother to -
(i) Give birth in a hospital; or
(ii) Stay in the hospital for a fixed period of time following the birth of her child.
(2) Hospital stay benefits not mandated. This section does not apply to any group health plan, or any group health insurance coverage, that does not provide benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth for a mother or her newborn child.
(3) Cost-sharing rules -
(i) In general. This section does not prevent a group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage from imposing deductibles, coinsurance, or other cost-sharing in relation to benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth for a mother or a newborn under the plan or coverage, except that the coinsurance or other cost-sharing for any portion of the hospital length of stay specified in paragraph (a) of this section may not be greater than that for any preceding portion of the stay.
(ii) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (c)(3) are illustrated by the following examples. In each example, the group health plan is subject to the requirements of this section, as follows:
(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan violates the rules of this paragraph (c)(3) because coinsurance for the second 24-hour period of the 48-hour stay is greater than that for the preceding portion of the stay. (In addition, the plan also violates the similar rule in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.)
(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plan does not violate the rules of this paragraph (c)(3) because the level of benefits provided (70 percent or 80 percent) is consistent throughout the 48-hour (or 96-hour) hospital length of stay required under paragraph (a) of this section. (In addition, the plan does not violate the rules in paragraph (a)(4) or (b)(2) of this section.)
(4) Compensation of attending provider. This section does not prevent a group health plan or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage from negotiating with an attending provider the level and type of compensation for care furnished in accordance with this section (including paragraph (b) of this section).
(d) Notice requirement. Except as provided in paragraph (d)(4) of this section, a group health plan that provides benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth must meet the following requirements:
(1) Required statement. The plan document that provides a description of plan benefits to participants and beneficiaries, or that notifies participants and beneficiaries of plan benefit changes, must disclose information that notifies participants and beneficiaries of their rights under this section.
(2) Disclosure notice. To meet the disclosure requirement set forth in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the following disclosure notice must be used:


45 CFR § 146.130

Scoping language

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