
Decision. Before the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date a request filed, the Board shall render its decision and provide it to the requester. The Board will determine whether to grant expedited review and allow or disallow the claim or whether such claim should be resolved pursuant to the claims process described in 709.6 of this part.
(1) Expedited review denied. A decision by the Board that expedited review is not appropriate shall be final and the claim shall be decided pursuant to the claims adjudication process set forth in ยง 709.6 of this part.
(2) Expedited review granted. If expedited review is granted, the Board shall decide the claim. If the claim is disallowed, in whole or part, the decision shall contain a statement of each reason for the disallowance and the procedure for obtaining judicial review.
(g) Period for filing or renewing suit. Any claimant who files a request for expedited relief shall be permitted to file a suit, or to continue a suit filed before the appointment of the liquidating agent, seeking a determination of the claimant's rights with respect to its security interest after the earlier of:
(1) The end of the 90-day period beginning on the date of the filing of a request for expedited relief; or
(2) The date the Board denies all or part of the claim.


12 CFR § 709.9

Scoping language

General. The provisions of this section establish procedures under which claimants may request expedited relief in lieu of the procedures set forth in 709.6 of this part. A claimant shall be entitled to expedited determination of a claim only upon a showing that there exists a legally valid and enforceable or perfected security interest in assets of the liquidated credit union and that irreparable injury will occur if the routine claims procedure is followed.

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