Farmed-wetland pasture
Farmed-wetland pasture is a wetland that prior to December 23, 1985, was manipulated and managed for pasture or hayland, was not used to produce an agricultural commodity at least once before December 23, 1985, and on December 23, 1985, experienced inundation or ponding for 7 or more consecutive days during the growing season in most years (50-percent chance or more) or saturation for 14 or more consecutive days during the growing season in most years (50-percent chance or more). Wetlands which are found to support wetland hydrology through step 1 of the wetland determination process in 12.30(c)(7) and application of the procedures described in 12.31(c) will be determined to meet the requisite criteria.
7 CFR § 12.2
Scoping language
General. The following definitions shall be applicable for the purposes of this part: