Supportive services

Supportive services means services that are necessary to enable an individual to participate in activities authorized under WIOA or the Wagner-Peyser Act. These services may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Linkages to community services;
(2) Assistance with transportation;
(3) Assistance with child care and dependent care;
(4) Assistance with housing;
(5) Needs-related payments;
(6) Assistance with educational testing;
(7) Reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities;
(8) Referrals to health care;
(9) Assistance with uniforms or other appropriate work attire and work-related tools, including such items as eyeglasses and protective eye gear;
(10) Assistance with books, fees, school supplies, and other necessary items for students enrolled in postsecondary education classes; and
(11) Payments and fees for employment and training-related applications, tests, and certifications.


20 CFR § 651.10

Scoping language

In addition to the definitions set forth in sec. 3 of WIOA, the following definitions apply to the regulations in parts 652, 653, 654, and 658 of this chapter:

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