Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid or nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid.

Carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid or nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid.
(1) The following provisions apply to carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid, and nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid:
(i) DOT 4L cylinders conforming to the provisions of this paragraph are authorized.
(ii) Each cylinder must be protected with at least one pressure relief device and at least one frangible disc conforming to § 173.301(f) and paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The relieving capacity of the pressure relief device system must be equal to or greater than that calculated by the applicable formula in paragraph 5.8.3 of CGA S–1.1 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
(iii) The temperature and pressure of the gas at the time the shipment is offered for transportation may not exceed −18 °C (0 °F) and 290 psig for carbon dioxide and −15.6 °C (+4 °F) and 290 psig for nitrous oxide. Maximum time in transit may not exceed 120 hours.
(2) The following pressure relief device settings, design service temperatures and filling densities apply:
(1) The following provisions apply to carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid, and nitrous oxide, refrigerated liquid:
(i) DOT 4L cylinders conforming to the provisions of this paragraph are authorized.
(ii) Each cylinder must be protected with at least one pressure relief device and at least one frangible disc conforming to § 173.301(f) and paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The relieving capacity of the pressure relief device system must be equal to or greater than that calculated by the applicable formula in paragraph 5.8.3 of CGA S–1.1 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
(iii) The temperature and pressure of the gas at the time the shipment is offered for transportation may not exceed −18 °C (0 °F) and 290 psig for carbon dioxide and −15.6 °C (+4 °F) and 290 psig for nitrous oxide. Maximum time in transit may not exceed 120 hours.
(2) The following pressure relief device settings, design service temperatures and filling densities apply:


49 CFR § 173.304a

Scoping language

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