
Associate of a person is:
(1) A corporation or organization (other than you or your majority-owned subsidiaries), if the person is a senior officer or partner, or beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, 10 percent or more of any class of equity securities of the corporation or organization.
(2) A trust or other estate, if the person has a substantial beneficial interest in the trust or estate or is a trustee or fiduciary of the trust or estate. For purposes of §§ 192.370, 192.380, 192.385, 192.390, 192.395 and 192.505, a person who has a substantial beneficial interest in your tax-qualified or non-tax-qualified employee stock benefit plan, or who is a trustee or a fiduciary of the plan, is not an associate of the plan. For the purposes of § 192.370, your tax-qualified employee stock benefit plan is not an associate of a person.
(3) Any person who is related by blood or marriage to such person and:
(i) Who lives in the same home as the person; or
(ii) Who is your director or senior officer, or a director or senior officer of your holding company or your subsidiary.


12 CFR § 192.25

Scoping language

The following definitions apply to this part and the forms prescribed under this part:

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