
Freestanding refers to an OPO or a histocompatibility laboratory that is not -
(1) Subject to the control of the hospital with respect to the hiring, firing, training, and paying of employees; and
(2) Considered as a department of the hospital for insurance purposes (including malpractice insurance, general liability insurance, worker's compensation insurance, and employee retirement insurance).


42 CFR § 413.200

Scoping language

Principle. Covered services furnished after September 30, 1978 by organ procurement organizations (OPOs) and histocompatibility laboratories in connection with kidney acquisition and transplantation will be reimbursed under the principles for determining reasonable cost contained in this part. Services furnished by freestanding OPOs and histocompatibility laboratories, that have an agreement with the Secretary in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, will be reimbursed by making an interim payment to the transplant hospitals using these services and by making a retroactive adjustment, directly with the OPO or laboratory, based upon a cost report filed by the OPO or laboratory. (The reasonable costs of services furnished by hospital based OPOs or laboratories will be reimbursed in accordance with the principles contained in 413.60 and 413.64.)

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