(1) Any person preparing a shipment under this section must have clear instructions on preparing the reverse logistics shipment to the supplier, manufacturer, or distributor from the retail store. This includes information to properly classify, package, mark, offer, and transport. These instructions must be provided by the supplier, manufacturer, or distributor to ensure the shipment is correctly prepared for transportation or through training requirements prescribed under part 172 subpart H of this subchapter.
(2) Employers who do not provide training under part 172 subpart H of this subchapter must:
(i) Identify hazardous materials subject to the provisions of this section, verify compliance with the appropriate conditions and limitations, as well as ensure clear instructions from the manufacturer, supplier, or distributor associated with product's origination or destination;
(ii) Ensure clear instructions provided are known and accessible to the employee at the time they are preparing the shipment; and
(iii) Document that employees are familiar with the requirements of this section as well as the specific return instructions for the products offered under this section. Documentation must be retained while the employee is employed and 60-days thereafter. Alternatively, recordkeeping requirements under part 172 subpart H may be used.
49 CFR § 173.157
Scoping language
Authorized hazardous materials. Hazardous materials may be offered for transport and transported in highway transportation under this section when they meet the definition of reverse logistics as defined under 171.8 of this subchapter. However, hazardous materials that meet the definition of a hazardous waste as defined in 171.8 of this subchapter are not permitted to be offered for transport or transported under this section. Hazardous materials authorized for transport according to a special permit as defined in 171.8 of this subchapter must be offered for transportation and transported as authorized by the special permit.