Liquidity needs
Liquidity needs means:
(1) From April 29, 2020 to December 31, 2021, the needs of credit unions for:
(i) Short-term adjustment credit available to assist in meeting temporary requirements for funds or to cushion more persistent outflows of funds pending an orderly adjustment of credit union assets and liabilities;
(ii) Seasonal credit available for longer periods to assist in meeting seasonal needs for funds arising from a combination of expected patterns of movement in share and deposit accounts and loans; and
(iii) Protracted adjustment credit available in the event of unusual or emergency circumstances of a longer-term nature resulting from national, regional or local difficulties.
(2) After December 31, 2021, the needs of credit unions primarily serving natural persons for:
(i) Short-term adjustment credit available to assist in meeting temporary requirements for funds or to cushion more persistent outflows of funds pending an orderly adjustment of credit union assets and liabilities;
(ii) Seasonal credit available for longer periods to assist in meeting seasonal needs for funds arising from a combination of expected patterns of movement in share and deposit accounts and loans; and
(iii) Protracted adjustment credit available in the event of unusual or emergency circumstances of a longer-term nature resulting from national, regional or local difficulties.