Sport-hunted trophy

Sport-hunted trophy means a whole dead animal or a readily recognizable part or derivative of an animal specifically identified on accompanying CITES documents that meets the following criteria:
(1) Is raw, processed, or manufactured;
(2) Was legally obtained by the hunter through hunting for his or her personal use;
(3) Is being imported, exported, or re-exported by or on behalf of the hunter as part of the transfer from its country of origin ultimately to the hunter's country of usual residence; and
(4) Includes worked, manufactured, or handicraft items made from the sport-hunted animal only when:
(i) Such items are contained in the same shipment as raw or tanned parts of the sport-hunted animal and are for the personal use of the hunter;
(ii) The quantity of such items is no more than could reasonably be expected given the number of animals taken by the hunter as shown on the license or other documentation of the authorized hunt accompanying the shipment; and
(iii) The accompanying CITES documents (export document and, if appropriate, import permit) contain a complete itemization and description of all items included in the shipment.


50 CFR § 23.74

Scoping language

U.S. and foreign general provisions. Except as provided for personal and household effects in 23.15, the import, export, or re-export of sport-hunted trophies of species listed under CITES must meet the requirements of this section and the other requirements of this part (see subparts B and C for prohibitions and application procedures).

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