Official(s) with jurisdiction.

Official(s) with jurisdiction. (1) In the case of historic properties, the official with jurisdiction is the SHPO for the State wherein the property is located or, if the property is located on tribal land, the THPO. If the property is located on tribal land but the Indian tribe has not assumed the responsibilities of the SHPO as provided for in the National Historic Preservation Act, then a representative designated by such Indian tribe shall be recognized as an official with jurisdiction in addition to the SHPO. When the ACHP is involved in a consultation concerning a property under Section 106 of the NHPA, the ACHP is also an official with jurisdiction over that resource for purposes of this part. When the Section 4(f) property is a National Historic Landmark, the National Park Service is also an official with jurisdiction over that resource for purposes of this part.


23 CFR § 774.17

Scoping language

The definitions contained in 23 U.S.C. 101(a) are applicable to this part. In addition, the following definitions apply:

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